Whitelam Books Reader Retreat
Service Description
Whitelam Books is proud to offer our first annual Readers Retreat from Friday, March 28 to Sunday, March 30. Meet other readers, enjoy lunch and conversation with best-selling authors Tova Mirvis and John Kenney, and enjoy long, leisurely hours to just sit and read in peace. You will enjoy a two-night stay at the Hilton Boston/Woburn hotel, a complimentary cocktail and appetizers at our opening cocktail hour Friday evening, and lunch with an author both Saturday and Sunday. You will also enjoy after-hours shopping at Whitelam Books on Saturday evening, with a festive and casual dinner catered by Anna's Taqueria. The purchase price includes a copy of We Would Never by Tova Mirvis and I See You've Called In Dead by John Kenney Title which you can have signed by the authors at the two included literary lunches, and a Whitelam Books tote bag.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
610 Main Street, Reading, MA 01867, USA